Outdoor Field

See our updated summer hours below!

High Velocity II is home to our seven unique outdoor fields.  Click below field listings for a description of each field!

Attack & Defend

• Small map
• One sided depending who gets to the center tower hill first
• Not much cover but big hills instead
• Varies between fast paced and longer matches

Air Force

• Medium sized field
• Plenty of cover to suppress people with
• Occasionally very fast paced as well
• Can be good for a little long range action

The Castle

• Big map, good for long range but has its up close moments
• Capture the flag, respawn/ or just basic TDM
• Lots of different strategic options to flank enemies

The Trenches

• Small map
• Lots of dug out cover
• Headshot city this map contains the most headshots of all the other maps
• If your trench is taken it’s pretty much game over
• Depending on the players it can be a very long match or rather quick one
• Well placed smoke grenade can end the game

The Western Town

• Very fast paced more speed ball friendly
• Tight spaced cover not good for sitting in one spot for too long
• If you get enemies on your side, it’s very hard to get them out
• If you like surrendering people this is your map

The Woods

• Woods ball players favorite because of all the cover
• Lots of places to hide and ambush
• Ghillie suits on this map are most effective
• Center of the map is most active because of the two hills and fire truck that supply good fire fights 


• Big field
• Lots of cover and paths
• Good for long range players and close range
• Plenty of hiding spots for garrison fire fights
• Lots of props


Open Saturdays and Sundays all year round.
Saturday: 8:30am – 5:00pm
Sunday: 8:30am – 5:00pm
Private groups should call (631) 242-2096 to make a reservation

Walk-On Prices

Customer Pricing & Cash Discount Notice:

4% Customer Service Fee is applied to all sales paid by credit or debit cards. Please note that the pricing displayed is the cash discount price. Thank you for your understanding and continued loyalty.

All Walk-Ons Need To Call And Pre-Register

Admission: $25

Complete rental package: $20 (Includes everything you need to play – marker, goggles, air tank and unlimited air fills)

All day air: $15 (for own equipment)

500 paintballs – $30
1000 paintballs – $55
2000 paintballs – $90

Jumpsuit: $12

Group Prices (20 person min.)

Admission: $10

Complete rental package: $20 (Includes everything you need to play – marker, goggles, air tank and unlimited air fills)

All day air: $15 (for own equipment)

500 paintballs – $30
1000 paintballs – $55
2000 paintballs – $90

Jumpsuit: $12

Paint Policy

High Velocity outdoor is a field paint only facility, you will NOT be permitted to bring your own paint from the outside. However, you may bring paint you have purchased from our facilities in the past back to play another day.


High Velocity Outdoor is centrally located in Coram NY.  A little over an hour away from NYC.

426 Mill Road
Coram, NY 11727
(631) 242-2096